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5 Reasons Why People Do Not Follow You On Twitter

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Are you following people on Twitter and not getting a follow back? There are some reasons why people do not follow you on Twitter.

Just because you follow someone doesn’t make it compulsory for that other person to follow you. If you wonder why people aren’t clicking on that ‘Follow’ button, these could be the top five reasons:

You don’t have a profile photo and a profile bio

People usually follow someone on Twitter who they feel is engaging and interesting. Having your profile photo set to the default won’t elicit these feelings in others who come across your account.

Not having a profile bio is just as bad as having a default photo as your profile image. Even using bland, boring words like ‘hey there’ or ‘I love dogs’ won’t help.

Unless you leverage the full potential of 160 characters to give them a sense of what you’ll be posting, they will simply move on and not bother to follow you.

You offer no information and no value

People have a hunger for relevant information. A lot of people use Twitter as an enormous source of information on topics they have an interest in. If your Twitter feed doesn’t offer interesting information and value, people wil hardly follow you.

If you simply like beating your own trumpets by tweeting about yourself or your products and/or services, people would be quick to run away because no one likes a self-obsessed snob.

For that reason, finding and sharing quality content is a must to get others to follow you.

Most of your tweets are off-topic

If your bio proclaims you to be a social media marketer, people would expect you to share fresh, updated tweets, news, blogs, etc. relevant to the niche. Instead, if your tweets are mostly about travel photography, dog food, and dessert recipes, it would mean veering off-topic.

This, in turn, would be disappointing to those who would have expected to read about social media marketing tips, information, news, etc. – in line with your Twitter bio.

Sure you’ll share about your hobbies, a movie you enjoyed, a joke and so on, but this should not give the impression that you are no longer tweeting about your niche.

Your tweets are offensive

If your tweets often contain words that are derogatory, harsh, arrogant, or express extreme views on race or religion, it would drive away many of your potential followers.

Grabbing eyeballs with offensive tweets is an easy way out, and a handful of people in specific niches or industries can even get a huge fan following with their indiscriminate, offensive tweets without getting brickbats.

Yet, most of us don’t belong to that league and have to stay away from abusive use of social media to put forward a professional image that attracts followers.

You take long breaks

Twitter is all about connecting and creating strong bonds with your followers. If you are never or hardly there, people won’t find you worthy of following.

While this doesn’t mean you have to live on Twitter, you just can’t go silent for long either. If you are doing this, it could be yet another reason why people aren’t following you.

If you aren’t getting many followers on Twitter, perhaps it’s time to examine if you are making any of these mistakes as mentioned above. And if you are, make amends fast to start building a robust Twitter following.

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