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How To Create Attention Grabbing Tweets

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Soaster academy

Whether you are a solo entrepreneur or just a regular user, Twitter is an attention game. But do you know how to create attention grabbing tweets?

The more eye-catching your tweets are, the more visible you will be to potential followers. If you are promoting your brand on Twitter, the more attention you bring your way, the easier it will be to attract more prospects to your sales funnel.

But all tweets aren’t created equal. While some will get likes, retweets, and replies, others will simply sink into oblivion. Knowing how to create a viral tweet to boost your reach is important. Here are 7 common types of tweets that will increase their impressions on Twitter:

Trending Topics

On your Twitter profile, tapping the #explore tab, you will find the hottest topics and discussions ruling Twitter at the moment. Tailor your tweets to use some of these trending topics along with the trending hashtags to grab eyeballs.

Also, you can search for relevant hashtags that are commonly used among a group of Twitter users. For instance, if you are tweeting about NFT or cryptocurrency, you’d better use hashtags like #nft #crypto #NFTcommunity #cryptocurrency.

Maybe you are an author and trying to reach a wider reader audience. Then using hashtags like #writerscommunity or #writerslift will increase the number of impressions your tweet gets.

Visual Content

Did you know that 65% of humans are visual learners? Compared to text, the human brain can process visual information 60,000-times faster.

Use visual content to increase impressions.

This explains why tweets with relevant visuals get 94% more views. You too can make your tweets visually captivating by using high-quality, relevant images, memes, infographics, animated GIFs, videos etc.

Twitter allows you to add media to your tweets. You can upload images, videos, graphics, etc. from your computer.

Add media to your tweets to increase impressions
Add media to your tweets to increase impressions

You can also add GIFs directly from Twitter’s GIF library to make people stop and look at your tweets.

When tweeting, click “GIF”, select a topic and pick up a GIF you like.

Add GIFs to your tweets to gain attention
Add GIFs to your tweets to gain attention

You can also use online design tools to create stunning visuals to share with your followers.

Humor and Motivation

To break the serious image and bring in a light flavor, you can resort to humorous content from time to time. Instead of using generic jokes, try to develop your own unique, funny voice which your audience may like.

Another effective way to break the all-serious-business mode is to share motivational quotes and inspiring tweets with hashtags like #MondayMotivation or #WednesdayWisdom.

Interesting Facts

People like to learn interesting facts about the earth, nature, animals, etc. There are good websites and blogs that share content about interesting and unique facts. You can share their content with your followers. You can also automate your sharing by linking RSS feeds of such websites or blogs.

We can count posts on fascinating facts and handy tips among the attention grabbing tweets people like to share most.

Questions and Polls

Use polls to engage with your followers.

Questions get attention as they help to get conversations started and offer people a way to connect with others.

Survey type, closed questions work the best for Twitter. For a food blogger (in the dessert niche), questions like “What’s your favorite Christmas dessert?” would work.

Even polls with multiple-choice questions invite your followers to vote, which helps increase engagement and grab attention.

To start a poll on Twitter, click “Tweet”, then “Poll“.

Use polls to increase your tweet impressions
Use polls to increase your tweet impressions

Ask a good question and type relevant answers. Then, select the poll length. Pinning this tweet to your profile will definitely get more impressions.

A relevant poll gets more impressions
A relevant poll gets more impressions


This is one of the most effective ways to grab attention fast. By running contests, you give people the motivation to tweet about your offerings and/or brand. Since they share your tweet to participate in the contest, you receive more engagement than your regular tweets.

Your contest entries could be the ones that retweet one of your posts, share a hashtag/special link you’ve created, or share a testimonial for your product. You just have to ensure that all contest entries include your brand’s Twitter username to help you track them.


Sometimes, what influencers or leaders in your niche say could give you good material to retweet. But you can do it a bit differently by adding your own opinion to their views.

Just make sure to add a period before RT @TwitterHandle, as this would make the information pop up in your feed and guarantee that all your readers get to see your message.

Struggling to create attention grabbing tweets?

With catchy tweets, you can boost your Twitter account though, it will take a lot of time before it gives you the desired results. So, you have to keep pushing.

If you struggle to create attention grabbing tweets, let Soaster curate content for your Twitter feed. Soaster finds popular, viral posts with visual content and shares them on your Twitter feed.

Soaster can take you on the success highway faster as it brings an optimized and simplified way to give your Twitter account a boost.

With a one-month free trial for new users, it gives you the perfect solution to get hold of. Set the ball rolling with Soaster and as you practice, you will start seeing results that you never thought were possible earlier.

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