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How To Grow 10 Twitter Accounts By Spending 10 minutes A Day For Free

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Soaster academy

Many people have multiple Twitter accounts for various reasons. However, managing and growing them all is not easy. But there is a way! Here we will reveal how to grow 10 Twitter accounts by spending 10 minutes a day.

Not for one single account. We are talking about growing 10 accounts in a few minutes. If you have more time, you can grow multiple Twitter accounts at the same time.

Sounds weird? Maybe, but it’s possible with Soaster.

Let’s see how you can do it.

Add your accounts to one dashboard

Soaster allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts from one single dashboard.

You can add as many accounts as you wish to Soaster.

You don’t have to pay for all of them. If you want, you can select a paid plan for any account to enjoy the full benefits of Soaster.

But, what we will discuss below is totally FREE!

Grow multiple Twitter accounts for free

Target audience

If you are not a well-known person or not providing useful content, people may not prefer to follow you. You should interact with them like “Hey, I’m here, on Twitter too!”

To make them recognize you, start following people. But who? Following accounts randomly may not bring good results.

You should target the people who are most likely to follow you. People generally follow others who share similar interests. As we said above, we are talking here about growing 10 accounts. We recommend you specify a different niche for each one.

Then, to find the right audience for each of them, first go to “Settings” on your Soaster account. Select an area of interest.

Select interests for each of your accounts
Select interests for each of your accounts

But to target more specific accounts, type some keywords.

Type keywords so that Soaster finds the best matches
Type keywords to find the best matches

For instance, on one of the 10 accounts, you wish to interact with rap music lovers. Then type keywords like rap, rap music, rapper, rappers, etc.

Soaster will crawl Twitter and suggest you 20 best-fitting accounts on a daily basis.

Start following

By tapping on “Engagement Recommendations”, you will see “Recommended Follows.” You can follow all the suggested accounts or check them before following.

Following 20 accounts with just one click will save you a huge amount of time. And you don’t have to toggle between accounts. From one single dashboard, you can make adjustments for each account.

Follow suggested accounts by Soaster
Follow suggested accounts


After starting to follow these accounts, some of them will most likely follow you.

But if they don’t?

On a paid plan, you can always check the accounts that are not following you back.

But here we are talking about what you can do for free.

So, under the tab “Recommended Unfollows”, Soaster will suggest some accounts to unfollow from time to time.

Unfollow suggested accounts by Soaster
Unfollow suggested accounts

These will be those that don’t follow you and inactive accounts that you are following.

This free option allows you to clean up your following list without spending time.

Spend 10 minutes a day

Give these 10 niche accounts 10 minutes of your time after your daily routine with your personal or business Twitter account.

Checking “Recommended Follows” and “Recommended Unfollows” for 10 accounts takes you 10 minutes at maximum.

While you manage your personal or business account using Soaster’s other great features, by spending 10 minutes a day you can grow 10 extra accounts effortlessly.

Grow them faster

To grow faster, it is a must that you share content on a Twitter account. In order to save time, you can enjoy Soaster’s auto content curator.

With a Basic Plan, you can have content posted automatically on each of your accounts.

After a few months, you will see the result of spending just 10 minutes a day.

Grow your Twitter accounts effortlessly

To sum up

In this article, we discussed how to grow 10 Twitter accounts by spending 10 minutes a day.

As we said earlier, Soaster allows you to add multiple accounts with just one subscription. So, if you wish and have time, you can manage many more than 10 accounts.

Whether for fun or for monetizing Twitter, Soaster is a great software to handle several accounts.

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